I managed to get my hands on the last batch of Strawberries available in the market just before our picnic. The choice was between strawberries rolls, a simple loaf cake, and muffins. Since we were so many of us, and I had already baked some blueberry muffins, and because it’s so simple, I chose the loaf. It’s moist, light and with tartness that’s just right from the strawberries.
This recipe for a strawberry loaf is the third in the series of recipes I created for our summer picnic (read Wholewheat Blubberry Muffins Recipe and Mini Tomato Tarts Recipe). It has a special significance because it’s inspired by my mum’s recipe. We would beg her to add extra strawberries to the batter, not caring for the texture of the cake or it’s structure. But before she could even agree, we’d have polished off any extras lying on the counter. My memory of the loaf was also amazement at how, instead of sinking to the bottom, the strawberries would burst while baking and create beautiful patterns on the cake.
I know the science now and bake this loaf often for family and friends. I hope you enjoy this recipe. 
[yumprint-recipe id=’11’]

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