Craig Dudley, one of our customers, wrote to us about how much he loves tea and sent us this photograph of a picture perfect morning, with a cup of tea, a big breakfast and his dog by his side. He writes,

“When I was in college, a while back, my first choice at breakfast was a dark rich tea with whole milk and sugar along with toast and homemade jam. For some reason, availability for one, coffee began to creep into my morning routine. Later a friend stationed in England sent two pounds of English Breakfast tea that brought back those warm college memories. The supply ran out and a source was difficult to find so back to my old habits. While reminiscing about tea one day I found Teabox and decided to give it a try. What a treat! So many choices… My favorite probably is Assam but as the day wears on other choices take over, Darjeeling is great in the afternoon and Chai with the family at night hits the spot.”

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