How well do you think you know your favorite beverage?

What is the most widely consumed breakfast tea in the world?

Where does Rooibos Tea come from?

In which of these countries would you find a tea called Teh Tarik?

What country does the US import most of its tea from?

What fruit is the oil that is essential to making the classic Earl Grey extracted from?

What is the art of reading tea leaves called?

Which is the only tea that gets better with age?

All done? Enter your name and email to see how much you scored!

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  1. So, I scored 6 out of 7 on your quiz because I didn’t know where US tea comes from….
    I live in Scotland!!

    I know you are most interested in the US market, but please acknowledge that not all your customers are American.

    • Aravinda Ananth Reply

      Hello Jo,
      Congratulations on your high score and sorry about the one you missed. But that particular quiz question on the US market comes from a story we carried on our blog.
      And rest assured we love that our customers come from all over, especially Scotland!

  2. Martin Lindeskog Reply

    I got 4 of 7! I am a tea enthusiast, not an expert…yet! 😉

  3. I managed 5 out of 7. Better than I feared. I didn’t get Argentina or Malaysia.

  4. Saloni Samant Reply

    Hi there Adeline,

    The answer is the one it is (at the risk of disclosing it to other quiz takers) is because that particular tea is used in most breakfast blends around the world.

  5. Abrar Hazarika Reply

    Rude awakening….. coming from Assam I thought I knew something about tea,. But scored a pathetic 2 out of 7. Will certainly keep myself under watch from now on.

    By the way this is a near perfect website in design and human friendliness.

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