Time to catch up with the whole family. And tell them what’s been going on. But don’t we all have that one annoying relative who always seems to push our buttons? Well, we’ve posted some stories right here. And offered some good advice to those stressed out souls. 


“So I spent two hours building my brat nephew’s lego space station since he loves legos but has zero attention span. When it was done, he smashed his fist right through it!

I want to stick him on a coat rack and rotate him like a vertical human rotisserie. Have I lost it?”

Relax. Drink some good tea instead.



When I told Aunt Beatrice that I was travelling across Europe for a year, she gave me this condescending look and said I should settle down and live the picket-fenced life.

I’d like to picket fence her in a 6-by-8 and see how she feels. Am I the Devil?

Relax. Drink some good tea instead.

If you have an Aunt Beatrice of your own, share your story here and you might just get a delicious gift from us. In the spirit of the holidays!

Check back for more every week!





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